Monday, November 27, 2017

Spiritual person, shouldn't they be Successful and Millionaires?

A spiritual person is balanced , connected and understands the flow of nature. They want to do good. Then why do these people stay on the side and not be that successful? Because for some reason they have been told that life is a misery and we need to get moksha. Following are the teaching of BUDDHA. I think most of us read the first Noble Truth and didn't read the rest of it.


A. Noble Truths:  
The principal teachings of Gautama Buddha can be summarized in what the Buddhists call the "Four Noble Truths":
First - There is suffering and misery in life .
Second - The cause of this suffering and misery is desire.
Third - Suffering and misery can be removed by removing desire.
Fourth - Desire can be removed by following the Eight Fold Path.

(i) Right Views
(ii) Right Thoughts
(iii) Right Speech
(iv) Right Actions
(v) Right Livelihood
(vi) Right Efforts
(vii) Right Mindfulness
(viii) Right Meditation

Today having money is not a desire, it is a necessity. If we have families then we have duty to support and mange the relationships. 

The people who don't have the skills or didn't want to learn the skills have found the "first Noble Truth" from Gautama Buddha to be a good reason for it and decided not to have Right Views, Thoughts, Speech, Actions, Livelihood,Efforts, Mindfulness, Meditation or decided that they will not engage in life so they don't need to learn so much as their life will be a misery to learn all these things.

Steve Jobs is one good example of a person who was into Zen , meditations and other aspects of spirituality and probably was following the some aspects of Noble path. 

May be this was one of the reason why Steve Jobs suggested Mark Zuckerberg to go to India for a spiritual trip as once we are aware we side with the right things. As we do the right things we get what comes out of it, further on it is our thought to use the money for a greater good or to keep it for our necessities. WISHING YOU A HAPPY JOURNEY THROUGH LIFE. I personally feel that we can be blissful, engaged and successful in life.

“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” Bill Gates

“Happiness belongs to the self sufficient.”  Aristotle 

Start Your Journey with 1on1 With yourself.


One-on-One with Yourself
One-on-One(1on1) with yourself (Self Analysis) Astrology

Getting Answers for A Curious Mind

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Waxing and Waning Moon Astrology

In Astrology Moon is a very important planet because Moon rules our mind and our consciousness. The Moon represents our instinctual responses to life and carries our unconscious memories from past lives. What kind of mind or conscious we have we perceive outer things. The world is same, but people are not same therefore it is our internal environment which is not same and according to that, we react to the people and things around us.

What Are Moon Phases?

The relationship between the Sun and Moon in the sky is what creates the waxing and waning light of the Moon each month. As the whole Moon cycle from New Moon to New Moon is almost four weeks long. The Moon Phases are refer to the Moon's orbit around the earth in relation to the Sun. In astrology, the Moon influences the mind depending on whether the Moon is full, new, increasing (waxing) or decreasing (decreasing) in your birth chart. The Moon phases repeats the same cycles every month. Every month there is the last quarter and decreasing moon, also referred to as the waning moon, leading to the New Moon, first quarter and increasing Moon also referred to as the waxing Moon leading to the full Moon, and the cycle starts over again. The first quarter and last quarter moon are ninety degrees to the sun and are exactly half in shadow, half in light. The New Moon is the Moon's side in darkness and full Moon is the completely illuminated side of the Moon.

Mostly people think that waning Moon is not good and does not give good result. We should discriminate in our interpretation between what is called waxing and waning aspects.

The Full Moon is the fully illuminated Moon, and activities and celebrations are heightened in creativity and effect. And the New Moon is a time for reflection and introspection.

According to vedic astrology, the Waxing or increasing Moon brings new ideas and activities. The Waxing side of the aspect cycle is where we come up with ideas, make plans to implement them, and actually put these plans into action, building something real, something outward and usually in the physical world. Waxing Moon helps the area of life to grow where it have influences in the chart particularly.

The Waning or decreasing Moon symbolizes winding down of activities, and purification of soul. The waning side of the aspect cycle is where we work with whatever we have built and created, coming to understand what it is, how to best use it, and what it means to us. Here we are receiving, accepting what is, and learning to work with that. Waning Moon causes external areas of life to fade, while causing one’s inner worlds to grow. With a waning Moon, we experience loss of outer world in order to gain inner fulfillment and inner growth. Those people who have waning Moon if they know how to manage their emotions they can really do good meditation practice.

Moon represents pearl, purity, healing, and white color. White holds all colors of the spectrum. Silver is the other color associated with the Moon. In Vedic astrology, wearing gemstones such as pearl, Moonstone, silver or white quartz used for remedies for get benefits from the Moon energy. By wearing the silver and white colors you can make a connection with the Moon and it helps you to stay calm and cool.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Be A Better Version Of You

You may have heard people say , they are what they are and they cannot change. They are admiting that they are stuck and they have no intention of getting better or change in life.

As human we have the capability of learning and evolving ourselves. Animals or other living beings cannot do it. Humans can evolve and get better. As a infant we don't know much,we grow and learn some good or bad things in life. Sometimes we are stuck in situations where learning is tough, but to get out of the situation we have to grow out of the problems in front of us.

As per Astrology the difficult planet placements means that we need to learn certain lessons in this life. It is the reason we face challenges, the more we resist the harder it gets for us.  When we learn sooner it will make our life better as we are going to face similar challenges in later life. Midlife crisis is a good example of this learning as by that age we have faced enough challenges that we get fed-up and want to change for better.

When faced with tough situation, It is we who needs to take action else we can be stuck in situation for ever. Some people believe that some how things will rectify without action.

Spread the Happiness: Be the person who is spreading happiness, if you are not the one and don't want to then who will spread happiness. If people feel happy with you they would want to be with you and be your friend. It is a feedback loop, what goes around come around. So be the person spreading happiness.

As per mythology we are getting better in every lifetime that's the reason we go through suffering and challenges to evolve. We evolve with every birth so we take so many births to get MOKSHA to break the cycle of birth. So why not become better person and learner sooner than to go through the suffering and pain of life.

We can use astrology as a tool to understand challenges and be a better person. It takes time to change human behavior as we are slow to change, learn and understand. Change the grooves in your mind for better.

I would say be a better version of yourself till we are alive as we can always do things better as world around us keep on changing. We cannot be successful and evolved with our understanding of yesterday. The best way to be a learner is to ask oneself what i could do differently than to find faults  and blaming others. If we are wet in rain, it is our fault not to check weather or have umbrella or rain coat to protect our-self. Stop blaming others for any and everything. Till we are able to find faults in other , it is somehow we don't evolve. Take responsibility of everything that happens to us and decide to learn from situations. What others do is their own journey. 

As I am TodayA Better Version of Me
I get angryNo One can make me Angry
I am fearfullI will figure out what is the fear and overcome
I am not healthyI will find the right food and eat healthy
I am over weightI will do body excersise to be in shape
I have a issueI will peacefully figure out a solution
I cannot speak properlyWhen I speak, people wants to listen to me
I am Sad most of the timeWill be Blissfull all the time, people will feel happy around me
I want to be happyI want to make eveyone happy
I don't know so many thingsI will become a SUPER LEARNER
I need help from lot of peopleI will learn the skills and self help

When we UPLIFT ourselves we help people around us, be it parents, spouse , friends and others
If you had just ONE LIFE what would you do?
Make every conversation or opportunity to learn and grow. 
Be driven from inside than the outer-forces. 

Think of it this way that you are 90 years old. You have all the time in life and you cannot do much. At that time you would want people around you, your children , grand children and  the well wishers. They will be there only if you were a giver, they found guidance from you, peace with you(consoling). People will reciprocate. I think may be the world is very selfish today. That is why we have the family, but then i hear more people hating their family than strangers. You may decide to earn so much of money that you will not need anyone :-). I think that is what i see lot of people are doing, but to be rich you need to be useful for the society. It is your choice how you will be when you will be 90.